
SNoCategoryValue per Annum
Conditions of EligibilitySponsor
1Scholarship to the wards of Farmers under Tamil Nadu Agricultural Labourer
LadiesRs. 4750LadiesRs. 2750
GentsRs.4250GentsRs. 2250
The students should have Agricultural CardsDirectorate of Technical Education, Chennai-600 025
2State Govt. Scholarship
Rs. 2470
Rs. 3320
Rs. 3320
Rs. 1920
Rs. 1920
Rs. 1920
Annual income less than Rs.50,000/-District BC Welfare Officer Nagercoil
3Govt. of India/Post Matric Scholarship for SC/ST
Rs. 9860Rs. 5350
Annual Income less than Rs. 1,00,000/-District Adi Diravidar Welfare Officer, Collector Office, Nagercoil
4Merit �Cum-Means Scholarship
Rs. 30,000
Christian Minority StudentsTamil Nadu Minorities Economic Development Corporation Ltd, Chennai – 600002
5Free Education
Rs. 3850 (I year) Rs. 2835 (After I year)Rs. 3300 (I year) Rs. 2285 (after I year)
Annual Income less than Rs. 50,000 and must be the first graduate in the familyDirector of BC Welfare Office, Collectorate
6Free Education MBC/DNC
Rs. 4200 (Only for the I year)Rs. 3300 (only for the I year)
Annual income less than Rs. 50,000 and must be the first graduate in the familyDirector of BC Welfare Office, Collectorate
7State Govt. Scholarship SC/ ST converts from SC/ST
Rs. 5780Rs. 4480
Free seat category, Annual Income less than Rs. 50,000/-District Adi Diravidar Welfare Officer, Collector Office, Nagercoil
8Govt. of India National Merit
Rs. 3600Rs. 1440
State Highest Marks / SSLCDirector of Collegiate Education, Chennai
9Bright Student AwardExemption from tuition fee, special fee, exam feeState Level rank holders in HSC ExamChief Educational Office, Nagercoil
10Award of prize money to SC/ST studentsRs. 5000 (Lump)Marks greater than 60% in a B.E. Degree Exam in one attemptDirector of Adi Diravidar Tribal Welfare, Chennai
11Chief Minister�s Merit Grant Award SC/STRs. 1500Highest Mark in HSC on first attemptDistrict Adi Diravidar Tribal Welfare Officer, Collector Office, Nagercoil
12Teachers National Welfare FundRs. 5000Student whose parents are teachersDirector of School Education
13State Govt. Gandhiji Memorial Award SC/STRs. 1500 (I year) Rs. 1000 (Higher Classes)Highest Mark in the District HSCDirector of Adi Diravidar Tribal Welfare, Chennai
14State Govt. award for bright student SC/STRs. 960Highest Mark in the District SSLCDirector of Adi Diravidar Tribal Welfare, Chennai
15Tamil Nadu Educational TrustRs. 350060% Marks, Annual Income less than Rs. 50,000/- irrespective of Caste & CommunityHon. Secretary TNE trust, Chennai
16Award of Departmental ScholarshipRs. 3000Parents doing Beedi worksGovt. of India, Ministry of Labour Office
17Grant of Central Wakf Council ScholarshipAs fixed by the sponsorMuslim studentsThe Secretary, TamilNadu Wakf Board, N.3 Santhome High Road, Chennai � 4
18State Govt. Anna Award BC/MBC/ DNC Highest Mark in the HSCDistrict BC Welfare Officer
19Sivakasi Hindu Nadar Sangam ScholarshipRs. 500Nadar CommunityM/s. Sivakasi Nadar Sangam, Sivakasi