Industry Institute Interaction Cell

The Industry-Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC) of the college is a dedicated cell to promote the close interaction of industry and various government semi government bodies with the Institution to bridge the gap between Industry and academia perspective. The IIIC Cell facilitates consultancy, sponsored R&D projects, and industrial and academic trainings those are not prescribed in the syllabus in addition to conducting industrial exhibitions and expert talks.

Industry Institute Partnership forms an important activity for any academic institute as its stakeholders interact with the real world. Firstly, the students are benefited due to exposure to current industry practices, challenges, and needs so that they can update their skills when changes occur in technology. Teaching faculty gets sensitized to the latest practices leading them to blend practice with usual theoretical teaching methods.

On successful interaction, Industry may realize that Academia has more to offer by way of solving their short term and long term technical problems, provide a manpower resource pool with good industry orientation and a source for updating the knowledge sets of its personnel.

To Bridge the gap between the Institution and Industries, our College officially launched Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC) on October 24th, 2011. This cell was inaugurated by Dr.S.Rajadurai, President and CEO and Head, Research and Development M/s SHARDA MOTORS, Chennai.

The Constant Efforts of IIIC have found fruit ful in getting Projects from Industry and Agencies so that the overall development of student attitude is acheived,

>> Established a Green Lab for Advanced Study (GLAS) to promote advanced study and Research activities among students

>> Curently through GLAS Marine based projects and Automobile projects have been Initiated.