- Counselling Code :- 4999
- +91 9841011485
- Brochure
Campus rule
- College Timings: The college starts at 9.00 a.m and closes by 3.40 p.m. Students should attend all classes regularly and punctually. Students who come late can enter the class only with the permission of the teacher and no student is permitted to leave the class without the permission of the teacher.
- Each student will be issued an Identity Card with name, photo and signature. They should wear the identity card without fail in the college campus.
- Each and every student will be attached with a staff as a student counselor/staff in charge. The Counselor will advice/counsel on academic and other activities of the students.
- Students have to submit assignments, records, home works etc., and participate in other co-curricular activities of the college in time.
- Student’s attendance is given priority in the academic life of the College. It is imperative that a student secures a minimum attendance of 75% to be eligible to appear for the University Examinations at the end of each semester.
- Students who are absent on medical grounds should produce a Valid Medical Certificate along with an endorsement letter from the parent/guardian while reporting to College after recovery from illness.
- A student who is continuously absent for 3 days with valid reason should produce medical certificate while reporting to College.
- All leave applications must be endorsed by parent / guardian in case of day’s scholars and warden in case of hostellers. It must be submitted to the principal through faculty advisors and HOD.
- Weekly test will be conducted in all the subjects and student’s progress will be closely monitored. The College will send the academic performance of the students to the parents/Guardians periodically.
- In all financial matters, the College expects to interact with the Parents/Guardians.
- If a student is found guilty of indiscipline, the College reserves the right to take disciplinary action against him/her and inform the Parents/Guardians about the action so taken.
- In some cases the College may call the Parents/Guardians for a meeting to discuss various issues of students. Healthy co-operation in this regard is ever solicited.
- The students should not loiter in the college premises when the classes are in progress. While they are free, they should make use of the college library.
- Students can take part in inter-college competitions, TV/Radio Programmes, only after getting the prior permission from the Principal.
- The students are not allowed to form any type of unauthorized unions / meetings.
- No student is allowed to entertain outsiders inside the premises of the college without prior permission from the college Authorities.
- Usage of mobile phones, smoking, drinking alcohols, chewing & taking intoxicants and drugs are strictly prohibited inside the college premises.
- No student is allowed to create any disturbance in any manner whatsoever inside the examination hall during the examination sessions. If any such report is received from the invigilator/superintendent/supervisor, the student will be punished as deemed fit, including expulsion from the college without assigning any reason whatsoever.
- Strict discipline shall be maintained in the College campus. Non-compliance with the guidelines or regulations of the college will be severely dealt with by appropriate disciplinary action.
- No student is allowed to pass any derogative remarks or abuse/use filthy language or un-parliamentary words against any teaching and non-teaching staff and junior/senior, or to any other colleague, or to any girl students of the college.
- Ragging or harassment of juniors by seniors of the college anywhere, in any form, is strictly prohibited. College may also impose penalty as deemed fit. The maximum punishment is expulsion from the college. College authorities have all such power to award any punishment to the student without assigning any reason or even without giving any opportunity to defend. All such cases will be intimated to the university, which may lead to cancellation of Regd. No. of the student concerned.
- The Management reserves the right to expel any student from the college on grounds of serious irregularity of attendance, insubordination, malpractice in examination or any other act of indiscipline or misconduct. The decision of the college authorities in this regard shall be final.